Groundbreaking TB le DR-TB Diagnostic Solution ka #Macro & Micro -Test!

Sebetsa se Secha sa Tlhahlobo ea Lefuba le Tlhahlobo ea ho hanyetsa Lithethefatsi: Moloko o Mocha oa Targeted Sequencing (tNGS) e Kopantsoeng le ho Ithuta ka Mochini bakeng sa Tlhahlobo ea lefuba ea Hypersensitivity.

Tlaleho ea lingoliloeng: CCa: mohlala oa tlhahlobo o thehiloeng ho tNGS le ho ithuta ka mochine, o loketseng batho ba nang le lefuba le fokolang la baktheria le meningitis ea lefuba.

Sehlooho sa Thesis: Tatelano ea moloko o latelang e lebisitsoeng ho lefuba le ho ithuta ka mochini: leano la tlhahlobo e matla haholo bakeng sa li-tubular tsa paucific pulmonary le tubular meningitis.

Nako le nako: 《Clinica Chimica Acta》

HAEBA: 6.5

Letsatsi la phatlalatso: Pherekhong 2024

E kopantsoe le Univesithi ea Chinese Academy of Sciences le Beijing Chest Hospital ea Capital Medical University, Macro & Micro-Test e thehile mokhoa oa ho hlahloba lefuba o thehiloeng molokong o mocha oa theknoloji e lebisitsoeng (tNGS) le mokhoa oa ho ithuta mochine, o faneng ka mokhoa o phahameng ka ho fetisisa. ho lemoha kutlo bakeng sa lefuba le nang le libaktheria tse 'maloa le meningitis ea lefuba, ho fane ka mokhoa o mocha oa ho hlahloba hypersensitivity bakeng sa tlhahlobo ea tleliniki ea mefuta e' meli ea lefuba, 'me ea thusa tlhahlobo e nepahetseng, ho lemoha ho hanyetsa lithethefatsi le phekolo ea lefuba.Ka nako e ts'oanang, ho fumanoa hore plasma cfDNA ea mokuli e ka sebelisoa e le mofuta o loketseng oa sampole bakeng sa sampole ea bongaka ha ho hlahlojoa TBM.

Thutong ena, lisampole tse 227 tsa plasma le lisampole tsa mokelikeli oa cerebrospinal li ile tsa sebelisoa ho theha lihlopha tse peli tsa bongaka, moo lisampole tsa tlhahlobo ea laboratori li ileng tsa sebelisoa ho theha mokhoa oa ho ithuta ka mochini oa tlhahlobo ea lefuba, 'me lisampole tsa tlhahlobo ea kliniki li ile tsa sebelisoa ho netefatsa ts'ebetso e thehiloeng. mohlala oa ho hlahloba.Mehlala eohle e ile ea tobisoa pele ke letamo le reretsoeng ho tšoara lefuba la Mycobacterium.Joale, ho ipapisitsoe le data ea tatellano ea TB-tNGS, mohlala oa sefate sa qeto o sebelisoa ho etsa netefatso ea makhetlo a 5 ho lithupelo le lithupelo tsa letoto la tlhahlobo ea laboratori, 'me ho fumanoa litekanyo tsa tlhahlobo ea lisampole tsa plasma le lisampole tsa cerebrospinal fluid.Monyako o fumanoeng o kenngoa ka lihlopha tse peli tsa liteko tsa tlhahlobo ea kliniki bakeng sa ho fumanoa, 'me ts'ebetso ea tlhahlobo ea moithuti e hlahlojoa ke ROC curve.Qetellong, mokhoa oa ho hlahloba lefuba o ile oa fumanoa.

Setšoantšo sa 1 sa moralo oa moralo oa lipatlisiso

Liphello: Ho ea ka menyako e ikhethileng ea sampole ea CSF DNA (AUC = 0.974) le sampole ea cfDNA ea plasma (AUC = 0.908) e khethiloeng thutong ena, har'a lisampole tse 227, kutloisiso ea sampole ea CSF e ne e le 97.01%, e ikhethang e ne e le 95.65%, le kutlo le ho khetheha ha sampole ea plasma e ne e le 82.61% le 86.36%.Ha ho hlahlojoa disampole tse 44 tse pentiloeng tsa plasma cfDNA le cerebrospinal fluid DNA ho tsoa ho bakuli ba TBM, leano la tlhahlobo ea phuputso ena le na le tumellano e phahameng ea 90.91% (40/44) ho plasma cfDNA le cerebrospinal fluid DNA, mme kutlo ke 95.45% (42/44).Ho bana ba nang le lefuba la matšoafo, leano la tlhahlobo ea phuputso ena le nahanela lisampole tsa plasma ho feta liphetho tsa Xpert tsa lisampole tsa lero la gastric ho tsoa ho bakuli ba tšoanang (28.57% VS 15.38%).

Setšoantšo sa 2 Ts'ebetso ea tlhahlobo ea mohlala oa tlhahlobo ea lefuba bakeng sa mehlala ea baahi

Setšoantšo sa 3 Liphetho tsa tlhahlobo ea mehlala e kopantsoeng

Qetello: Mokhoa oa ho hlahloba lefuba oa hypersensitive bakeng sa lefuba o thehiloe thutong ena, e ka fanang ka sesebelisoa sa ho hlahloba se nang le kutloisiso e phahameng ka ho fetisisa ea ho lemoha ho bakuli ba kliniki ba nang le oligobacillary tuberculosis (setso se mpe).Ho sibolloa ha lefuba le hypersensitive ho latela plasma cfDNA e kanna ea ba mohlala o nepahetseng oa tlhahlobo ea lefuba le lefuba la meningitis (ho bonolo ho bokella lisampole tsa plasma ho feta mokelikeli oa cerebrospinal bakeng sa bakuli ba belaelloang ba lefuba la boko).

Sehokelo sa mantlha:

Kenyelletso e khutšoane ea lihlahisoa tsa ho lemoha lefuba la Macro & Micro-Test

Ka lebaka la boemo bo rarahaneng ba sampole ea bakuli ba lefuba le litlhoko tse fapaneng, Macro & Micro-Test e fana ka sete e felletseng ea litharollo tsa NGS bakeng sa ho ntšoa ha liquefaction ho lisampole tsa likhohlela, kaho ea laebrari ea Qualcomm le tatellano, le tlhahlobo ea data.Lihlahisoa li koahela tlhahlobo e potlakileng ea bakuli ba lefuba, ho lemoha ho hanyetsa lithethefatsi tsa lefuba, ho thaepa lefuba la mycobacterium le NTM, tlhahlobo ea hypersensitivity ea lefuba le baktheria le batho ba lefuba, joalo-joalo.

Lisebelisoa tsa ho lemoha lefuba le mycobacteria:

Ntho No lebitso la sehlahisoa lihlahisoa tsa tlhahlobo ea lihlahisoa mofuta oa mohlala mohlala o sebetsang
HWTS-3012 Mohlala oa ho lokolla E sebelisitsoe ho phekola lisampole tsa sekhohlela, e fumane nomoro ea rekoto ea boemo ba pele, Sutong Machinery Equipment 20230047. sekhohlela
HWTS-NGS-P00021 Qualcomm quantity discovery kit bakeng sa hypersensitive tuberculosis (mokhoa oa ho ts'oara probe) E sa hlaseleng (liquid biopsy) ho lemoha hypersensitivity bakeng sa baktheria-negative pulmonary lefuba le maqhutsu a boko;Mehlala ea batho bao ho belaelloang hore ba tšoaelitsoe ke lefuba kapa mycobacteria e seng lefuba e ile ea hlahlojoa ka tatellano e tebileng ea metagenomics, le tlhaiso-leseling ea hore na lefuba kapa non-lefuba mycobacteria e tšoaelitsoe le lintlha tsa mantlha tsa ho hanyetsa lithethefatsi tsa lefuba la mycobacterium. li ile tsa fanoa. Mali a peripheral, alveolar lavage fluid, hydrothorax le ascites, sampole ea ho phunya, cerebrospinal fluid. Moloko oa bobeli
HWTS-NGS-T001 Mycobacterium typing le kit ea ho lemoha ho hana lithethefatsi (multiplex amplification sequencing method) Teko ea ho thaepa ea Mycobacterium, ho kenyeletsoa MTBC le 187 NTM;Ho lemoha ha lefuba la Mycobacterium ho hanyetsa lithethefatsi ho akaretsa litlhare tse 13 le libaka tse 16 tsa phetoho ea liphatsa tsa lefutso tse hanyetsanang le lithethefatsi. Sekhohlela, mokelikeli oa alveolar lavage, hydrothorax le ascites, sampole ea ho phunya, mokelikeli oa cerebrospinal. Moloko oa bobeli / oa boraro sethaleng sa bobeli

Lintlha-khōlō: HWTS-NGS-T001 Mycobacterium ho thaepa le lisebelisoa tsa ho lemoha ho hanyetsa lithethefatsi (mokhoa oa amplification oa multiplex)

Kenyelletso ea sehlahisoa

Sehlahisoa se ipapisitse le litlhare tsa mantlha tsa moleng oa pele le oa bobeli tse hlalositsoeng ho tataiso ea kalafo ea lefuba la WHO, li-macrolides le aminoglycosides tse sebelisoang hangata litataisong tsa kalafo tsa NTM, 'me libaka tsa ho hanyetsa lithethefatsi li koahela sehlopha se le seng sa libaka tse amanang le khanyetso ea lithethefatsi. WHO Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex mutation catalogue, hammoho le tse ling tse tlalehiloeng liphatsa tsa lefutso tse hanyetsanang le lithethefatsi le libaka tsa phetoho ho latela lipatlisiso le lipalo-palo tsa lingoliloeng tsa maemo a holimo lapeng le kantle ho naha.

Boitsebiso ba ho thaepa bo ipapisitse le mefuta ea NTM e akarelitsoeng ho litataiso tsa NTM tse phatlalalitsoeng ke Chinese Journal of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases le tumellano ea litsebi.Lisebelisoa tse etselitsoeng ho thaepa li ka holisa, tsa tatellana le ho hlakisa mefuta e fetang 190 ea NTM.

Ka theknoloji ea amplification e lebisitsoeng ho multiplex PCR, liphatsa tsa lefutso tsa genotyping le liphatsa tsa lefutso tse hanyetsanang le lithethefatsi tsa Mycobacterium li ile tsa matlafatsoa ke multiplex PCR, 'me motsoako oa amplicon oa liphatsa tsa lefutso tse lokelang ho fumanoa o ile oa fumanoa.Lihlahisoa tse atolositsoeng li ka hahuoa lilaebraring tsa tatellano ea lihlahisoa tse phahameng tsa moloko oa bobeli kapa oa boraro, 'me liforomo tsohle tsa moloko oa bobeli le oa boraro li ka kenngoa ka tatellano e tebileng ho fumana boitsebiso ba tatellano ea liphatsa tsa lefutso.Ka ho bapisa le liphetoho tse tsebahalang tse fumanehang polokelong ea polokelo ea litšupiso e hahelletsoeng (ho kenyeletsoa lethathamo la phetoho e rarahaneng ea lefuba la WHO Mycobacterium lefuba le kamano ea eona le khanyetso ea lithethefatsi), liphetoho tse amanang le ho hanyetsa lithethefatsi kapa ho ba le ts'oaetso ea litlhare tse thibelang lefuba li ile tsa khethoa.Ha e kopantsoe le tharollo ea kalafo ea sekhohlela e ipuletseng ea Macro & Micro-Test, bothata ba ho sebetsa hantle ha sekhohlela se tlase sa nucleic acid ea lisampole tsa sekhohlela (bo phahameng ka makhetlo a leshome ho feta mekhoa ea setso) bo ile ba rarolloa, e le hore ho ka fumanoa tatellano ea ho hanyetsa lithethefatsi. e sebelisoa ka kotloloho ho lisampole tsa sekhohlela sa kliniki.

Lethathamo la ho lemoha lihlahisoa

34Liphatsa tsa lefutso tse amanang le ho hanyetsa lithethefatsi tsa18lithethefatsi tse thibelang lefuba le6Lithethefatsi tsa NTM li ile tsa fumanoa, li koahela297libaka tsa ho hanyetsa lithethefatsi;Mefuta e leshome ea lefuba la Mycobacterium le ho feta190mefuta ea NTM e ile ea fumanoa.

Letlapa la 1: Boitsebiso ba 18 + 6 Lithethefatsi +190 + NTM

Molemo oa sehlahisoa

Matla a ho ikamahanya le maemo a kliniki: lisampole tsa sekhohlela li ka bonoa ka kotloloho ka mokhoa oa ho intša metsi ntle le moetlo.

Ts'ebetso ea liteko e bonolo: mohato oa pele oa ts'ebetso ea amplification o bonolo, 'me kaho ea laebrari e phetheloa ka lihora tse 3, e leng ho ntlafatsang katleho ea mosebetsi.

Ho thaepa ka botlalo le ho hanyetsa lithethefatsi: ho koahela libaka tsa ho thaepa le ho hanyetsa lithethefatsi tsa MTB le NTM, e leng lintlha tsa bohlokoa tsa tlhokomelo ea bophelo bo botle, ho ngola ka nepo le ho lemoha ho hanyetsa lithethefatsi, ho tšehetsa software e ikemetseng ea tlhahlobo, le ho hlahisa litlaleho tsa tlhahlobo ka ho tobetsa hanngoe feela.

Ho lumellana: ho lumellana ha lihlahisoa, ho ikamahanya le maemo a tloaelehileng a ILM le MGI/ONT platforms.

Tlhaloso ea lihlahisoa

Khoutu ea sehlahisoa lebitso la sehlahisoa Sethala sa ho lemoha litlhaloso
HWTS-NGS-T001 Mycobacterium typing le kit ea ho lemoha ho hanyetsa lithethefatsi (mokhoa oa ho hōlisa multiplex) ONT, Illumina, MGI, Salus pro 16/96rxn

Nako ea poso: Jan-23-2024